
At the begging of the story Bud was first introuduced as waiting in line for breakfast at the home he was living in. Then he was told that he was going to live with the Amoses that's when Todd, Mrs, and Mr. Amose were introduced. The setting was revealed as Bud living in Flint.


Rising Action

The events leading up to the climax are Lefty Lewis taking Bud  to Flint than to Grand Rapids. Next, there was Bud meeting Herman. Than, there was Bud living with Herman while he was getting to know Miss Thomas and Mr. Jimmy. After that, was Bud meeting the band and becoming part of the band. Lastly, Mr. Jimmy Miss Thomas and Bud were having the conversation about Bud's mother being his real mother.


Bud Not Buddy's climax is Bud and finding out that Herman is his granddaddy. I had no clue what was going to happen next but, i was hoping that Herman would be nicer to Bud.  This was a big suprise and a nig turning point.

Falling Action

After Bud and Herman found out they were related there was a lot of crying coming from Herman. Then every thing was pretty much fine and Herman was nicer.


The  thing that cleared every thing up was the part were the band, Herman, and Miss Thomsa all got along and decided Bud was going to be int he band and travel with them. After that every thing was pretty smoothed out and there was no more crying and stiuations between any body.